On Thursday, the Minister of Industry and Pharmaceutical Production, Ali Aoun, stressed the need to control the modern iron and steel industry technologies and change management patterns in this field.
During his work and inspection visit to his sector in Annaba province, accompanied by the Minister of Labour, Employment and Social Security, Faisal bin Taleb, the minister explained that the future of the depends on the extent of control over modern technologies and the management patterns adoption with economic approaches that guarantee performance efficiency and enable the set goals achievement.
”The Algerian state preserves its gains,” the minister added, in a speech delivered in the Sider El Hadjar lecture hall, during a presentation on the reality and the Complex development prospects and investment plan objectives. “Sider El Hadjar represents a symbol of heavy industry, which makes it a place of escort by the public authorities to enable it to achieve the economic goals set in the iron and steel industry field,” he elicited.
Control over the modern iron and steel technologies industry comes by upgrading and activating the training areas and surrounding senior executives, workers and social partners to develop Complex capabilities.
The Minister of Industry and Pharmaceutical Production, as well as the Minister of Labor, Employment and Social Security, inspected the progress of the Sider El Hadjar and reviewed the progress of activity in blast furnace N°2, which benefited from the rehabilitation program. They also examined the dismantling structure of the blast furnace N°1 process and restoring the industrial property occupied by this structure, which stopped operating in 2009.