According to the notification received by the World Trade Organization, Morocco has decided to end safeguard measures on imports of cold rolled sheets and plated or coated sheets applicable as of December 31, 2024. The measures have been implemented for ten years.
The safeguard measures consist of an additional ad valorem duty of 13.75 percent applicable to imports of the given products exceeding a fixed quota of 36,000 mt.
The products currently fall under Customs Tariff Statistics Position Numbers 7209 (excluding 7209.16.00.20, 7209.17.00.20,7209.18.00.20, 7209.26.00.20,7209.27.00.20, and 7209.28.00.20), 7211(excluding 7211.13, 7211.14 and 7211.19,7211.23.00.10, 7211.23.00.40,7211.29.00.20, and 7211.29.00.50), 7225.50.10.00, 7225.50.90.00, 7226 (excluding 7226.11.00 and 7226.19.00), 7210 (excluding 7210.11, 7210.12,7210.30.00, 7210.50, 7210.90.21.00, 7210.90.22.00, 7210.90.23.00, and 7210.90.29.91), 7212 (excluding 7212.10, 7212.20.00, 7212.40.20.00, 7212.40.39.10, 7212.50.20.00, 7212.50.63.00, and 7212.50.64.00), 7225 (excluding 7225.11.00, 7225.19.00, 7225.30, 7225.40, and 7225.91), 7226 (excluding 7226.20.00.11, 7226.20.00.21,7226.20.00.51, 7226.20.00.52,7226.20.00.59, 7226.91.00, and 7226.99.10.00).