Arab Steel Summit

Welding technology, manufacturing and quality testing


Welding is a permanent connection of metal parts using heat, and in order for the connection between the two parts to be welded to be a good one, there must be closeness between the atoms of the two parts to be connected so that common metal crystals are formed that achieve that connection, and the ideal connection.Through heating, the particles move away from each other, and the forces of attraction in them decrease, and with increasing heating, the particles move away from each other more and more, and thus the strength of their cohesion and bonding decreases, and it is easy for any other body to move through it, and thus it is easy to mix it with another lumpy substance of the same composition. with or without additional metal.

Course target:

Introduce the participants to the best method for the welding process and the different types of welding according to the nature of each metal.


• Various welding methods and their features.• Equipment for arc welding and gas welding• Welding electrons.• Welding types of steel (carbon, alloy and cast iron).• Welding defects and ways to avoid them.• Effect of moisture on welding.• Protection gases.• Welding metallurgy for steel alloys and non-ferrous metals.• Weld ability of metals.• Precautions for welding.• Welding inspection.• Welding Quality Control.