Egypt ARCOSTEEL Capacity 2019 – 1000 tons COMPANY Long products Semi-finished products EAF steel ARCOSTEEL 200 200 200
Egypt ARCOSTEEL Capacity 2019 – 1000 tons COMPANY Long products Semi-finished products EAF steel ARCOSTEEL 200 200 200
Egypt Egyptian Steel Capacity 2019 – 1000 tons COMPANY Long products Semi-finished products EAF steel Egyptian Steel 1.200 830 830
Algeria ACIERIES DE CENTRE Capacity 2019 – 1000 tons COMPANY EAF steel Long products ACIERIES DE CENTRE 800 450
Algeria TOSYALI ALGERIE Capacity 2019 – 1000 tons COMPANY Iron Ore DRI EAF steel Semi-finished products Long products TOSYALI ALGERIE 4000 2500.000 3500 3500 3200
Syria HADID HAMA Capacity 2019 – 1000 tons COMPANY EAF steel Semi-finished products Long products HADID HAMA 300 300 110
SYRIA SYRIA METAL INDUSTREIES-SMI Capacity 2019 – 1000 tons COMPANY EAF steel Semi-finished products Long products SMI 800 800 600
Saudi Arabia RAJHI STEEL Capacity 2019 – 1000 tons COMPANY EAF steel Semi-finished products Long products RAJHI STEEL 1000 850 1850
Saudi Arabia SOLB STEEL Capacity 2017 – 1000 tons PLANS EAF steel semi-finished products long products SOLB STEEL 1000 1000 1000 Capacity 2018 – 1000 tons PLANS EAF Steel Semi-Finished Long Products SOLB STEEL 1000 1000 1100 Capacity 2019 – 1000 tons PLANS EAF steel semi-finished products long products SOLB STEEL 1000 1000 1100
EGYPT SUEZ STEEL Capacity 2017 – 1000 tons PLANS DRI EAF steel Semi-finished products Long products SUEZ STEEL 1800 2400 2400 800 Capacity 2018 – 1000 tons COMPANY Long Products Semi-Finished EAF Steel DRI SUEZ STEEL 800+1400 2400 2400 1950
MOROCCO MAGHREB STEEL Capacity 2017 – 1000 tons PLANS semi-finished products slabs. HRC & sheets,plates CR flats coated products MAGHREB STEEL 1000 1500 400 230 Capacity 2018 – 1000 tons COMPANY Coated Products CRC HRC Semi-Finished EAF steel MAGHREB STEEL 280 400 1200 1000 1000
QATAR STEEL Capacity 2017 – 1000 tons PLANS DRI EAF steel semi-finished products long products QATAR STEEL 1900 2265 2265 1400 Capacity 2018 – 1000 tons COMPANY Long Products Semi-Finished EAF Steel DRI QATAR STEEL 1850 2265 2675 2513 Capacity 2019 – 1000 tons COMPANY Long Products Semi-Finished EAF Steel DRI QATAR STEEL 1850 2265 …
Tunisia EL FOULADH Capacity 2017 – 1000 tons PLANS EAF steel semi-finished products long products EL FOULADH, SOCIETE TUNESIENNE DE SIDERURGIE 200 200 250 Capacity 2018 – 1000 tons COMPANY Long Products Semi-Finished EAF steel EL FOULADH 250 200 200 Capacity 2019 – 1000 tons COMPANY Long Products Semi-Finished EAF steel EL FOULADH 250 200 …
EGYPT DELTA STEEL MILL Capacity 2017 – 1000 tons PLANS EAF steel Semi-finished products Long products DELTA STEEL MILL 200 200 130 Capacity 2018- 1000 tons COMPANY Long Products Semi-Finished EAF Steel DELTA STEEL MILL 90 60 60
BAHRAIN SULB Capacity 2017 – 1000 tons PLANS iron ore DRI EAF steel semi-finished products Section BAHRAIN STEEL 11000 UNITED STEEL COMPANY (SULB) 1500 850 850 600 Capacity 2018 – 1000 tons COMPANY Long Products Semi-Finished EAF Steel DRI UNITED STEEL COMPANY (SULB) 600 1070 1070 1600
UAE EMIRATES STEEL Capacity 2017 – 1000 tons PLANS DRI EAF steel semi-finished products long products EMIRATES STEEL 4300 3600 3600 3610 Capacity 2018 – 1000 tons COMPANY Long Products Semi-Finished EAF Steel DRI EMIRATES STEEL 3610 3725 3760 4240 Capacity 2019 – 1000 tons COMPANY Long Products Semi-Finished EAF Steel DRI EMIRATES STEEL 3500 …
Saudi Arabia Sabic Capacity 2017 – 1000 tons PLANS DRI EAF steel semi-finished products long products slabs. HRC & sheets,plates CR flats coated products SAUDI IRON AND STEEL (HADEED 5110 6500 6500 3820 2200 920 240 Capacity 2018 – 1000 tons COMPANY Long Products Pre-Painted Galv. Steel HRC CRC Semi-Finished EAF Steel DRI Saudi Iron …
EGYPT EZZ STEEL Capacity 2017 – 1000 tons PLANS DRI EAF steel Semi-finished products Long products slabs. HRC & sheets,plates AL EZZ EL DEKHEILA FOR STEEL -ALEXANDRIA 3200 2700 1800 1700 1200 EZZ STEEL/SADAT 1300 1300 1000 EZZ ROLLING MILLS (ERM), SOKHNA-SUEZ 1900 + 1850 Plan 850 Year 2019 850 Year 2019 500 AL EZZ …
MOROCCO sonasid Capacity 2019– 1000 tons COMPANY EAF steel Semi-finished products Long products sonasid 800 800 1000
Algeria ALGERIAN QATARI STEEL COMPANY Capacity 2019 – 1000 tons COMPANY DRI EAF steel Semi-finished products Long products ALGERIAN QATARI STEEL COMPANY 2500 2100 2100 2000
Algeria SIDER GROUP SHE Capacity 2019 – 1000 tons COMPANY Pig Iron BOF-Steel EAF steel Long products HRC CR flats Galv-Steel pipes SIDER GROUP SHE 210 1200 off 600 400 1800 900 200 40plan 350
Libya LIBYAN IRON AND STEEL COMPANY Capacity 2019 – 1000 tons COMPANY HBI DRI EAF steel Semi-finished Long products HRC CR flats Coated products LIBYAN IRON AND STEEL COMPANY 650 1.100 1.611 1.611 1.525 580 155 80
Kuwait Kuwait Steel Capacity 2019 – 1000 tons COMPANY Long products Semi-finished products EAF steel Kuwait Steel 1.260 1.200 1.200
JORDAN JORDAN STEEL Capacity 2019 – 1000 tons COMPANY EAF steel Semi-finished Long products JORDAN STEEL 360 360 300