Arab Steel Summit
Arab Steel Summit
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Arab Steel Summit

World crude steel production declined by 2.4% in April 2023 

According to the preliminary data announced by the World Steel Organization about world production (63 countries) during April 2023, crude steel production amounted to 161.4 million tonnes, a decrease of 2.4% compared to the production of April 2022.

Africa produced 1.3 million tonnes in April 2023, up 4.8% from April 2023. Asia and Oceania 121.1 million tonnes, down 1.5%. The European Union (27) 11.1 million tonnes, down by 11.7%. Other Europe produced 3.5 million tonnes, down 17.3%. In the Middle East, 4.2 million tonnes, up 4.2%.

North America produced 9.2 million tonnes, down 4.6%. Russia and the independent countries, including Ukraine, production reached 7.5 million tonnes, up 5.9%. South America 3.6 million tonnes, down 2.2%.

Production in different regions of the world

Region April 2023 (Million Tonne) % April changes 22/23 Jan- April

(Million Tonne)

 % Changes22/23
Africa 1.3 4.8 5.0 -0.8
Asia, Oceania 121.1 -1.5 467.5 2.3
EU 11.1 -11.7 44.4 -10.2
Other Europe 3.5 -17.3 12.9 -18.8
Middle East 4.2 4.2 14.3 1.9
North America 9.2 -4.6 36.2 -3.8
CIS 7.5 5.9 28.9 -7.9
South America 3.6 -2.2 13.6 -5.6
Total 161.4 -2.4 622.7 -0.3

As for the Arab countries, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia topped the production of Arab countries in April 2023, producing 790 thousand tonnes, an increase of 2.5%, followed by Egypt, producing 736 thousand tonnes, a decrease of 0.8%. The UAE came in third place, producing 279 thousand tonnes, a decline of 8.5%

Arab countries’ production of crude steel

Country April 2023 (000t) % April changes 22/23

Jan- April


 % Changes22/23
Egypt 736 -0.8% 3069 -3.0%
Saudi Arabia 790 2.5% 3053 0.8%
UAE 279 -8.5% 1082 9.2%
Qatar 94 5.6% 376 4.4%
Libya 71 24.6% 309 26.6%
Tunisia 8 14.3% 31 0.0%
Total 1978 0.4% 7920 1.3%



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