Arab Steel Summit
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Arab Steel Summit

Phosphate complex in Algeria: Land plot allocation for an electrical centre realization

During its weekly meeting chaired by the Prime Minister, Mr Ayman Ben Abderrahman, the government studied a draft executive decree that includes the allocation of a plot of land belonging to the forest of national property in the wilaya of Souk Ahras destined for the realization of an electric centre within the framework of the integrated phosphate complex project.

The same source indicated that the completion of this project “is part of the process of realizing high and very high-pressure electricity transmission centres, which are directed to supply the future project for the production of phosphoric acid within the framework of the large integrated phosphate complex.”

It is worth noting that the integrated phosphate project will make Algeria one of the leading fertilizer-exporting countries.

The project brings together the two Algerian complexes, Asmidal (a subsidiary of Sonatrach) and the Algiers Mines industrial complex, on the one hand, as well as the two (2) Chinese companies “Wuhan Engineering” and “Yunnan Tian’an” on the other. With an investment value of $7 billion and will include four (4) cities in the east of Algeria.

The project will include the development and exploitation of the phosphate mine in Bled El Hadba in Djebel onk region in Tebessa, the chemical conversion of phosphate in Oued El Keberit in Souk Ahras and the manufacture of fertilizers in Hadjar Soud in Skikda, in addition to the dedicated port facilities located in the port of Annaba.

The project will allow the creation of approximately 12,000 jobs during the completion phase, about 6,000 direct jobs and 24,000 indirect jobs during the exploitation stage.


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